This method can be used together with any ListProduct-method to get related variant data when the ListProduct-method is called with asVariants = false. This will enable filtering on variant data in the product list. Just expand on the data needed in the list.
A list of product internal ids to get variant data for.
Accepts a comma separated string of Status internal ids. Lookup references in ListStatuses.
Parametric values formatted as ListParameters = L[ParametricId][ListId], MultiParameters = M[ParametricId][MultipleId], ValueParameters = V[ParametricId]_[ValueFrom]-[ValueTo] with asterisk () as separator. Sample: L10_45M20_254M20_145V60_256-1024*V70_1.4-1.9. The logical operation between values is AND.
Accepts a comma separated string of store internal ids. The StoreOnHand property of the product will show the onHand values for supplied Stores if supplied.
A comma separated list of PriceList internal ids to use, if any. PriceLists supplied must be valid, either from the application's public priceList or any customer or company priceLists or any valid client priceLists. For clients configured to use priceListSeed exclusively in the API only the supplied priceLists will be used. If this is not configured, the supplied priceLists will be appended to the valid priceLists. If none is supplied, the default value for the application will be used in combination with any customer or company priceLists. This applies to both configurations.
Customer internal id. Checks for specific customer bound prices if provided.
Company internal id. Checks for specific company bound prices if provided. Note! customerId is mandatory in combination with companyId.
An expand option that specifies what expansions should be made on the VariantItem entity. Valid values are: None, Price, OnHand, OnHandStore, OnHandSupplier and Parameters. These can be comma separated. Use Full for all. Default is Full. None will return just the VariantItem without expansions.
Specifies in which language to display culture specific information. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.
Specifies in which currency to display prices. Uses Storm internal ids. If none is supplied, value is resolved from Application.
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Array [
The product internal id for this VariantItem.
A key that group items on product. It is equal to the product id for non-variants and equals 'v'+variantId for variants. Should be used to correlate ProductItems with VariantItems. MaxLength: int.
The Name of this VariantItem. Will be the same as the corresponding product if this is not a Variant. MaxLength: 255.
The status for this VariantItem. Valid values can be found in ListStatuses.
The sku type for this VariantItem. Valid values can be found in ListSkutypes.
The partNo for this VariantItem. MaxLength: 50.
The manufacturer's partNo for this VariantItem. MaxLength: 50.
ImageKeystring or null(guid)
A unique id for the image at our image server. Url for images are formed like http://[client specific CDN]/{ImageKey}. Preset, height and width can be sent as parameters.
A comma separated list of flag internal ids. MaxLength: max.
Seed formatted as TypeId[1]:Guid[1], TypeId[2]:Guid[2],.., TypeId[n]:Guid[n]. MaxLength: max.
The EAN code for this VariantItem. MaxLength: 50.
Indicates if the item is buyable or not. Will always be false if the status is closed. An exception will be thrown if IsBuyable is false and an attempt to buy the item is made. The property can be used to hide or show the buy-button.
Short unit of measurement from Storm Admin. MaxLength: 50.
UnitOfMeasurementCountnumber or null(decimal)
Unit of measurement count
RecommendedQuantitynumber or null(decimal)
Indicates the default value used as quantity when buying the product. If IsRecommendedQuantityFixed is true, only multiples of this quantity should be allowed.
If this is set to true only multiples of RecommendedQuantity should be allowed.
Sub header from the Product in Storm. Only set if Product texts are variant unique. MaxLength: 255.
Sub description from the Product in Storm. Only set if Product texts are variant unique. MaxLength: max.
A unique name that can be used in Urls and to get a Product. MaxLength: 500.