Accessing API's with OAuth2 accounts

The Norce Commerce uses OAuth2 access tokens to authenticate requests. You can view and manage your API integration users in Norce Admin. The integration user carries many privileges and should be treated with care.

Rate limitations

The JWT Token returned by a successful authentication is valid for 3600 seconds (1 hour). Ensure that the token is cached during that period. Exceedingly requesting new tokens will negatively impact performance. To ensure that tokens are properly cached, there’s a rate limit on the authentication request:

  • Max 3 requests per minute per IP address, with a possibility to burst 20 more (to ensure that starting up multiple services in parallel works).
  • Successful requests will return a HTTP Status Code 200
  • Rate limited requests will return a HTTP Status Code 429

Create API Tokens

API integration users are created in Norce Admin by going to Settings > Users > OAUTH. You need to provide a name for your user, specify which applications it should have access to, and the environments it should be valid in.


Once you save your OAuth2 user, you won’t be able to see the secret key anymore, so make sure to copy it before closing the tab.

Integration User

Testing API Tokens in Postman

Once you have created your integration user, you can try it out in Postman. In a single request, you can go to the Authorization and configure a new token with the following values:

Item Value
Token Name Name of token
Grant Type Client Credentials
Access Token URL [clientname].api-[region].[environment] (*)(**)
Client ID Client ID created in Norce Admin
Client Secret Client Secret created in Norce Admin
Scope Space delimited playground, stage (*), production (lab for Norce [Storm]) ()
Client Authentication Send client credentials in the body

(*) For production environment no [environment] sub-domain is needed, read about the environments here.

(**) For Norce [Storm] the url is simply

(***) Currently lab is used for the playground environment, will be changed to playground.

(****) Currently lab is used for the stage environment, will be changed to stage.

Auth in Postman

Also, make sure to send the application ID in your request header.

Variables in Postman

Using OAuth2 with Norce Commerce

Norce uses OAuth2 with a client credentials flow. To use our APIs, first request an access token, then use that token as a Bearer token in the Authorization HTTP header.

Request Tokens

To access your API, you must request an access token for it. To do so, you will need to POST to the token URL: [clientname].api-[region].[environment] (no environment for production) or for Norce [Storm]:


Parameter Description
grant_type Always client_credentials
client_id The "Oauth2 Client ID" obtained from Admin UI
client_secret The "Oauth2 Client Secret" obtained when creating the integration used in Admin UI
scope playground, stage or production (*) () (*)

(*) lab is currently used by playground, but will be changed

(**) lab is used for the stage environment in Norce [Storm]

(***) lab is currently used by stage, but will be changed

Code examples

Request a token:

curl --request POST \
  --url '' \
  --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --data grant_type=client_credentials \
  --data client_id=<OAuth2 User ID> \
  --data client_secret=<OAuth2 User Secret> \
  --data scope=[lab|production]

# Response
  "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkU2MASDDDSTMzN0U2Qzk3RkUxQTAyOTc2MjgxRTg5RjFFRDcyODIiLCJ0eXAiOiJhdCtqd3QiLCJ4NXQiOiI1aE0zNXNsX2VJY2k0YUFwZGlnZWlmSHRjb0kifQ.eyJuYY8jnkdHJSKY3NDQsImV4cCI6MTYxODkzNzM0NCwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9pZGVudGl0eS5sYWIuc3Rvcm0uaW8vMS4wLyIsImF1ZCI6IlN0YWdpbmciLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJiZWY0MmU1NC1kNjlmLTQzN2ItYmFhNS0yYTVhMTEzMjNkMzMiLCJzY29wZSI6WyJTdGFnaW5nIl19.jO9EyFA-jok8DHJHSvAj_C1m6ScKVrPht6AKsOixsQeBrJK-1hZ1fOYfwIGGu4Gy7DXRjVfqkrgaOPg1KCLgLYdSKj0Lgdu2745ax795P50u1cUTvcXOOHTqqB_H9r7ALcRjxcNPFURCyFBARuPgPGmecRrsTed95A0rS_1S-QGGiG46tus7BJ6290jYmapMOWiZffHwnMA5ziD0hjwriPxmnHXPBzKDZU2wUfAMnwP_2j_NLcrF3Enezkd9B7WX6F10y-Bk9pjBSR_U188bwyp6Yvd02spZtKV_uYBnqzemP-00ZdjMjd0QOdxPm0PtosnGlHmVDFiAMPgHmXmnfqOfQrwTatphoMqjxBumqsNLrvpJEo6VrkbwtEqW_RxMhjcFgOpVNAuZekCYUbp7eYyGJRbQdTHSpAZgGoghKnPygCsJRMx3ZB1iAhf-pQHK-IIJ_d8h3Bf_2pZU-_D-rM2nV_OqO8IQw9gNsXJay23XbtCF0MdmZKVyIniQpMFBa7_84uV2tgmn31YlYYZeig0YyG-VxfYZSNkbHuHguP4LeZURXOn58r_BUkguI_CL2j-X7T3n0k8BFUQv2ZY2brr24QnCR8wZqe2m6wIajYgsFd_TPBelAlrn9XcBhDGeGA7zXEvAOEciDgEzVSfkjds8DDSf0dOVkVM_nlo",
  "expires_in": 600,
  "token_type": "Bearer",
// Note that this is vanilla Javascript to illustrate how to obtain and use an Access Token. You will need 
//to add caching of your token since obtaining an access token for each request will generate poor performance.

const response = await fetch(url, {
  method: "POST",
  headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
  body: {
    client_id: "<OAuth2 User ID>",
    client_secret: "<OAuth2 User Secret>",
    grant_type: "client_credentials",
    scope: "[playground|stage|production]"
let oauthResponse = response.json();
/* Note that these are vanilla C# illustrations, more like pseudo-code, on how to obtain and use an Access Token.
You might want to use IdentityModel and/or other frameworks in your implementation. */

var cache = new CachingService();
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var oauthClientId = "<OAuth User Id>";
var oauthClientSecret = "<OAuth User Secret>";
var environment = "<lab | production>";

string accessToken = cache.GetOrAdd("AuthorizationToken", () =>
    var requestBody =
        $"client_id={oauthClientId}" +
        "&client_secret={oauthClientSecret}" +
        "&grant_type=client_credentials" +
    var tokenRequest = new HttpRequestMessage
        RequestUri = new Uri(""),
        Content = new StringContent(requestBody,
        Method = HttpMethod.Post
    var httpResponse = httpClient.Send(tokenRequest);

    if (!httpResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
        // Handle error
        return null;
    var response = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, object>>(httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult());
    return response["access_token"].ToString();
}, DateTimeOffset.Now.AddSeconds(500));

Note that you will need to add caching of your token since obtaining an access token for each request will generate poor performance.

The returned token should be provided as a Bearer Token in an Authorization HTTP Header.

As the example response shows, the token expires in 600 seconds and needs to be renewed after the expiration.


Norce might change this value in the future.

Using the token:

curl --url \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer <Token from response above>" \
  --header "ApplicationId: <Numeric Application ID>"
const response = await fetch(url, {
  method: "GET",
  headers: {
    ApplicationId: "<Numeric ApplicationId>",
    Authorization: "Bearer "+oauthResponse.access_token
var request = new HttpRequestMessage
    RequestUri = new Uri("<API Endpoint>"),
    Method = HttpMethod.Get,
    Headers =
        {"Authorization", "Bearer "+accessToken},
        {"ApplicationId", "<Numeric ApplicationId>"}
var methodResponse = httpClient.Send(request);