Validate a payment

This method gets called from PSPs supporting validation callbacks. Storm API makes a preliminary validation by validating the checkout. Checks are for basket status and valid promotions plus all other validations with regard to customer information. No result is returned if validation passes and an exception with both Exceptions below aggregated will be raised if any validation fails.

Request Body schema:

These values are provided by the PSP. If the initial PaymentParameters, to PurchaseEx or GetPaymentForm, contained ValidationUrl, Storm API will post a checkout object to that url giving the application a possibility to perform additional validations, such as checking availability. If validation succeeds just return an empty result with HttpStatus 200. Failed validations should give a 400 with the message in the content body. Pass ValidationContentType to specify content type of the posted checkout. Supported values are 'application/json' or 'text/xml'. 'text/xml' is default if not specified. CancelUrl must also be specified in order to handle any validation fail messages. The post to validationUrl supports basic authentication. Just add 'username:password@' to the url.


The Name of the Entity. MaxLength: 50


The Value of the Entity. MaxLength: max




Bad Request

Key: ErrorUrl. Gets raised when any validation has failed. See PurchaseEx for possible reasons. When any validation fails both these exceptions will be aggregated into one. This one will contain the url to a page receiving the error message.

Key: ErrorMessage. Gets raised when any validation has failed. See PurchaseEx for possible reasons. When any validation fails both these exceptions will be aggregated into one. This one will contain the actual error message.


Internal Server Error

Request samples
  • {